Techny Peach Lace, Brother Charles Reckamp, Daylily Teeth Blog

TechnyPeachLace Techny Peach Lace, Brother Charles Reckamp, Daylily Teeth Blog
Techny Peach Lace

Part 4 – Techny Peach Lace 

Techny Peach Lace was the last Reckamp cultivar to win an HM (2000) until Techny Spider did so in 2010.  It also ranks amongst the more frequently used Reckamp cultivars in recent years.  Techny Peack Lace (Reckamp-Klehm, 1988)is a cross of seedling x Peace Sweet Peace.  Peace Sweet Peace is one of the 5 Reckamp cultivars out of My Sunshine (parent of Startle) so clearly Techny Peach Lace carries toothy genetics.  However when you look up the kids out of it there are very few that have been crossed with edged much less toothy cultivars.  Techny Peach Lace is best known for throwing good scapes and as a bouquet bloomer (tendancy to open several blooms at once). 

In my zone 4/5 garden I see the occasional tooth on Techny Peach Lace but I think in the right cross you can get something quite toothy.  I find it a hard pod parent but there are several registrations with it as a pod parent so it can be done. 

Next, a Reckamp you may not know but should – Ruffled Bouquet Deluxe. 

Dave Mussar

Puslinch, Ontario

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Thanks to Gerda Brooker for this image of an new teeth daylily seedling of hers.  The cross is Princess Sofia x Victorian Garden Twilight Time.  Very Nice Gerda!

A reader commented on Northern hybridizing, “I am a northern hybridizer in my infancy stages…but here is my perspective. I have brought up many top southern bred plants. Most hybridizers in this area won’t consider anything but a dormant and are sure my southern ones will die. I am a natural risk I have always done well by this credo…..I have had many cultivars go dormant and have lost only three plants in 3 years. ( I am aware of the 25 yr..devastating winter curse). I feel daylilies have an amazing adaptability factor..most being of mixed dormancy background. Even if you get three blooms on a cultivar and use the pollen, get seeds and seedlings, isn’t this better than never having tried at all?
I have several outstanding seedlings bloom this past summer and I used them all heavily. Even if these seedlings don’t survive ( -28 degrees and thankfully I mulch and we have good snow cover)…THEIR seedlings might. Throw in a host of other environmental risks..and it is a toss of the coin, whether any daylily will survive or not….( go figure on sink holes!). Anywho, I think you should try anything that will influence your breeding program in a direction that interests you. AND with all the cold weather inundating the south in the last 2 years… maybe dormancy is not such a long shot. I will tell you a peony trick that I would be doing for sure…if I were trying to get a hard dormant to do well. That bucket of ice on its’ crown each morning….may fool it a tad….I would be doing just that…. or Cold root seller storage??? think outside of the box… go for it!”

Thanks for your comments!  I believe good hybridizers are risk takers as you describe yourself as. Many are always looking for that break that produces distinction. Back to Dave on Brother Charles Reckamp  next on the Daylily Teeth Blog….


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Josh Jaques, Red Teeth Seedling,Daylily Blog

josh1 Josh Jaques, Red Teeth Seedling,Daylily Blog

Red Teeth Seedling

The weekend break is here,  Josh Jaques sent in this image and needs your help. Josh says, “Here is the seedling that I spoke of in my comments on your blog. Would love to get some feedback on compatible dormant plants to cross it with.  I love your blog!

Thanks, Josh Jaques”

Josh red teeth are rare on daylilies. You asked for a dormant cross. One I’d try would be FIRECRACKER PARADE. Stamile’s ORANGE GROVE is evergreen but has the dormant STARTLE in it so that’d be another possibility. The third cross that might work would be Jamie Gossard’s  Sabre Tooth Tiger. Readers if you can suggest a daylily or two, please comment.


Back to Dave, on Brother Charles, Monday on the Daylily Teeth Blog. Gerda  Brooker and a toothy seedling tomorrow.

josh2 Josh Jaques, Red Teeth Seedling,Daylily Blog
Red Teeth


Firecracker parade Josh Jaques, Red Teeth Seedling,Daylily Blog

Firecracker Parade


Sabre Tooth Tiger Josh Jaques, Red Teeth Seedling,Daylily Blog

Sabre Tooth Tiger

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Brother Charles Reckamp, Dave Mussar on the Daylily Teeth Blog, Part 3b

Angel sSmile21 298x300 Brother Charles Reckamp, Dave Mussar on the Daylily Teeth Blog, Part 3b
Angel’s Smile

Part 3 – Angel’s Smile

You cannot discuss the work of Brother Charles and not talk about Angel’s Smile which is easily the cultivar for which he is best known.  It is a charming little flower but certainly not the best plant – slow growing, prone to bud drop and so dormant that southern growers treated it like an annual.  Yet everybody and his brother used it.  An old search of the AHS database showed 95 first generation kids out of Angel’s Smile and it is probably more by now.  The progeny of Angel’s Smile show various attributes in a range of colours – rounded petals, watermarks, halos, even blue-violet eyezones, but most will show ruffles and gold edges. 

The most dramatic edges in the progeny however came in crosses with cultivars that already had strong edges like Admiral’s Braid and Startle.  John Benz had 3 intros out of the cross of Startle x Angel’s Smile those being Imperial Gypsy, Millennium Madness and Shirley Farmer all of which showed teeth.  Of course that cross has 3/4′s Reckamp genetics with My Sunshine being the parent to Startle.  Midnight Dazzle (Benz-J, 2005)is a cross of Tet Super Purple x Angel’s Smile and while I suspect that Super Purple doesn’t have much of an edge, you can still some some shark’s teeth popping out in this cultivar. 

I actually find it a bit surprising that Angel’s Smile has not been used more with strongly edged cultivars.  Perhaps a better strategy given the plant habit of Angel’s Smile is to use some of its kids crossed with toothy cultivars. 

Next, Techny Peach Lace on the Daylily Teeth Blog 

Dave Mussar

Puslinch, Ontario

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Brother Charles Reckamp, Dave Mussar on the Daylily Teeth Blog, Part 3

Midnight Dazzle1 300x202 Brother Charles Reckamp, Dave Mussar on the Daylily Teeth Blog, Part 3

Midnight Dazzle, Daylily


Imperial Gypsy1 300x214 Brother Charles Reckamp, Dave Mussar on the Daylily Teeth Blog, Part 3

Imperial Gypsy

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Brother Charles Reckamp, Dave Mussar on the Daylily Teeth Blog, Part 2

HeavenlyCrown 288x300 Brother Charles Reckamp, Dave Mussar on the Daylily Teeth Blog, Part 2

Heavenly Crown

Part 2

HEAVENLY CROWN (Reckamp-Klehm, 1979) is a cultivar that I think has been somewhat overlooked in terms of its contribution to toothy breeding.  You will find it in the background of a number of toothy cultivars.  Emily Olsen, Everett Dougherty, John Rice and Virginia Peck have been the primary hybridizers using HEAVENLY CROWN.  The AHS Registration Database shows 23 registrations with it in the parentage, 15 of which have it in the first generation.  You may recognize kids like GRAM’S DREAM (Olson-E, 1994), PINK FANG (Olson-E, 1998), CROWN OF CREATION (Rice-J, 1998) and TWILIGHT COLORS (Rice-J, 2004).  In an earlier blog we had already confirmed that JAGUAR’S PAW (Dougherty-Rice, 2007), the pollen parent of BASS GIBSON (Rice-J, 2006) was in fact a HEAVENLY CROWN kid.  You can see the similarity between HEAVENLY CROWN and JAGUAR’S PAW in this pic of it from Sandy Houck.  

Rice’s CROWN OF CREATION (Pure and Simple x Heavenly Crown) has been around for 12 years and yet there are only 2 registered intros with it in its parentage!  HEAVENLY CROWN put a significant edge on this flower when crossed with an non-edged pod parent.  CROWN OF CREATION will double occasionally for those interested in toothy doubles. 

Next up, ANGEL’S SMILE. 

Dave Mussar , Puslinch, Ontario

CrownOfCreation a 300x225 Brother Charles Reckamp, Dave Mussar on the Daylily Teeth Blog, Part 2

Crown Of Creation

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Brother Charles Reckamp, Dave Mussar on the Daylily Teeth Blog

HeavensTrophy Brother Charles Reckamp, Dave Mussar on the Daylily Teeth Blog

Heavens Trophy

Mike has asked me to be a guest writer on his blog and to put together some thoughts regarding Brother Charles Reckamp.  Thanks Mike, it will be my pleasure and hopefully of interest to your readers. 

Just a little historical background on Brother Charles.  He hybridized daylilies for nearly 50 years with his first seedlings numbered in 1949 and his final selections made in 1995.  His first registrations were made in 1955.  Over his career he accounted for 240 registrations of which only 29 were diploid.  Brother Charles was part of the tetraploid “rat-pack” that included Fay, Marsh, Griesbach, Munson, Moldovan and Peck who were committed to the tetraploid revolution.  His first 5 tets were introduced in 1966, 3 of which were from seed conversions and the other 2 were out of Fay’s Crestwood Ann.

 One of Brother Charles’ hybridizing interests was “ruffles”.  I’ve not seen anything in print nor anybody who knew him where he spoke about gold edges or teeth as breeding goals but I think they were a natural outcome of his focus on ruffles.  The first gold edges are reported to have come from Fay’s and Reckamp’s programs.  It is believed that Munson’s gold edges came from Reckamp’s lines.  Leo Sharp commented that AMEN (Reckamp, 1976) had the first significant ruffling.

In an earlier blog we discussed STARTLE (Belden, 1988) (Broadmore Red x My Sunshine). While Broadmore Red has a bit of a white border, it is clear the the ruffled edge of this superior breeding plant came from Reckamp’s lines.  There are only 6 registered intros out of MY SUNSHINE, 5 of them by Brother Charles plus STARTLE by Belden.

HEAVENS TROPHY (Reckamp-Klehm, 1985)is another out of MY SUNSHINE.  Both images courtesy of Sandy Houck who used to have a website and the most extensive collection of Reckamp daylilies and was a major source of inspiration for my interest in Brother Charles’ work. 


Dave Mussar

Puslinch, Ontario

MySunshineMultiBloom1 Brother Charles Reckamp, Dave Mussar on the Daylily Teeth Blog

My Sunshine

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THE LAST WORD ON THE OUTER LIMITS…not! On the daylily teeth blog

OUTER LIMITScl THE LAST WORD ON THE OUTER LIMITS...not! On the daylily teeth blog

OUTER LIMITS Daylily Clump


This is the clump of the OUTER LIMITS that I saw prior to introduction. It was stunning!

A few of more items about the OUTER LIMITS.

First, the reader who is unhappy with garden performance of the OUTER LIMITS   lives in zone 4/5. Second, Michael Miller contacted me and said the daylily performed wonderfully in zone 7, making nice crowns. And third, Jamie called in today commenting about the reader’s dissatisfaction with the OUTER LIMITS and believes it may be the line breeding in it that has slowed the vigor down. He cited one of the parents, FORESTLAKE RAGAMUFFIN as a marginal slow starter for him and not for others.  Jamie did say the OUTER LIMITS does not like extreme heat. He  certainly wouldn’t be able to recommend the OUTER LIMITS as a Southern display daylily. But he was somewhat surprised at the lack of garden performance in zone 4/5 and felt it in time that it will positively respond to that zone. Jamie also said in the next couple of days he’d send over an image or two of seedlings that it has produced as an illustration of its hybridizing value to teeth hybridizers.

Excuse me for jumping  topics on the Daylily Teeth Blog but I want to share complete information with readers. Coming soon, information on Brother Charles.  And some really cool daylily seedling images shared by readers. One of the seedlings has red teeth!


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More on OUTER LIMITS on the daylily teeth blog

Bill Waldrop Seedling More on OUTER LIMITS on the daylily teeth blog

Bill Waldrop Seedling

One reader writes about the OUTER LIMITS”…… “slow” …… Outer Limits……, and the $300 I spent seems to have been a waste of money. I only got 3 blooms last year, after 2 years of being here. So, while it may be worthy of all the praise you gave it where you are, here, not so much. As of this fall, after a hotter summer than most, it only multiplied by one fan.I am hopeful this summer I will have more blooms, but I am disappointed on the whole.Before you sent so much praise for the world to see, please consider the entire country.”

Dear Reader, I understand your concern. Spending $300.00 for a couple of blooms, at first glance hurts. But does it?  Remember as hybridizers we are concerned as to what we can pull out of a daylily more so than how it performs in our own yard. Those three blooms you had from O.L. are very precious. That is why many of us hybridizers bring in Southern genetics, knowing they aren’t going to perform to specs. Or Larry Grace painfully uses dormants that misbehave in his garden. We are after specific traits.  OUTER LIMITS has a suspected green edge gene in it and has been producing very heavy edged daylilies in zone 5. I use it for that reason. It would be a nice addition but I don’t care about garden looks for hybridizing daylilies. When I introduce kids out of a daylily, they will carry the looks and specs we require.  Outer Limits is F1 cross and is a drop dead dormant in our garden. You should be able to start a solid dormant program with it.  Another point to consider is the breeding in this daylily lends itself to small crown and slow increase. Dormants are nortoriously slow and painful in regard to vigor. My thoughts are as a Northern hybridizer, I’d prefer to use one  bloom from  an outstanding Southern daylily than 100 blooms on great garden performer with an ordinary bloom.  From a non hybridizers garden perspective, you are right, three blooms are a disapointment. Thanks for your food for thought~!   Anyone else please leave your comments. They are welcome.

I have had a request for talks about Brother Charles. So that’s coming soon… Image is a daylily seedling of Mr. William Waldrop, procurer and connoisseur of fine daylilies…Kennesaw Mountain Daylilies

Mike Holmes

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A question I am often asked is who is the leading hybridizer in modern day teeth daylilies? That question is easy to answer but I usually avoid the question because “big egos”. But… I might as well start the New Year by giving everyone a good tipoff.
It is Jamie Gossard. During the last decade, Jamie has registered and introduced over 30 teeth daylilies. Jamie started his teeth program in the 1990′s and many other hybridizers have followed his works by using his genetics and duplicating his crosses.
Now before some of you hybridizers take exception to what I said, I’d like to recognize again, the Daylily Teeth Master, Brother Charles Recamp(certainly still the all-time King of Teeth), Mort Morss and his FORTUNE’S DEAREST, Jeff Salter for MORT MORSS, Dan Trimmer and his conversion of SPINDAZZLE, Fran Harding for promoting and selling teeth crosses and introducing FORESTLAKE RAGAMUFFUN, Pat Stamile and his use of STARTLE, John Rice and his BASS GIBSON, John Benz for capturing these genectics, introducing STARTLE and also being a leader in discriminating introductions out of teeth crosses.

Jamie’s foresight in recoginzing the importance of these hybridizers works
and using them has given all of us teeth hybidizers more opportunities to be create new looks.
I could be wrong but I predict ten years from now that Jamie’s OUTER LIMITS will be a next FORESTLAKE RAGAMUFFIN as a parent. I’d highly recommend all teeth hybridizers to start using it this upcoming season if they already haven’t.

Ten years from now, who will be recognized as the leader in teeth hybridizing? It could be you, or Bill Waldrop or Larry Grace or  John Kulpa or Dave Mussar or Kim Langston.  The point is, in year 2000 no-one would have guessed Jamie Gossard as being the TEETH hybridizer of the decade.. I would have probably said ……., never mind,
I probably have said too much.  

Happy New Year and Best Wishes,


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Mort Morss x Bass Gibson daylily seedling, Daylily Teeth Blog

Mort Morris x Bass Gibson Mort Morss x Bass Gibson daylily seedling, Daylily Teeth Blog

Mort Morss-x-Bass Gibson Daylily Seedling

Ever wonder what Mort Morss x Bass Gibson would look like? Paul Lewis , Ohio Hybridizer, sent in this image today of that cross. Nice work and thank you Paul for sharing.


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Double edge daylily seedling, daylily teeth blog

Southern Daylily Double edge daylily seedling, daylily teeth blog

Southern Double Edged Daylily

The soft tones of this daylily seedling are set off by the neon throat and edge.


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