SEE ME - FEEL ME -TOUCH ME (M.Holmes 06)
(seedling by seedling) Dor., 27", MLa., 5.75", 4 way branching, 25 budcount SEE ME- FEEL ME -TOUCH ME has been my favorite to date.  Jamie Gossard first selected SEE ME- FEEL ME -TOUCH ME in its maiden bloom.  Its a happy lily.
Why? Because it looks good all day long.  There's nothing like going out in the eve. to find and than appreciate lilies that look good after a hot day.
SEE ME- FEEL ME -TOUCH ME comes from ADMIRALS BRAID hybridizing along with Brother Charles hybridizing in the background. The color ranges from Ivory-Yellow to a bleached out white in the hot sun.  SEE ME- FEEL ME -TOUCH ME has been an excellent parent and tends to pass on the edge. SEE ME- FEEL ME -TOUCH ME takes a year to establish and is a moderate increaser. It really is showy in a clump!  A great Northern Daylily.
Fertile both ways.  Sold out