Diana's Evening Gown


Bill Waldrop 2009

(Diana's Pink Gown x Seedling)
Tet. Dormant. Mid to late season bloomer. 27" tall, 7" flower, three-way branching, 27 buds.

Oh how gorgeous a surprise! Tremendous, lush, stunningly beautiful, dream size seven inch delight! How many times have you wanted to enter a "large" flower in a daylily show? I always do but seldom do I have one that qualifies. DIANA'S EVENING GOWN always qualifies. When you enter this beauty you will have the best, big pink polychrome daylily that exists, plus a tremendous ruffled gold edge. Diana and I celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary in 2009 and I think of this when I see this grand daylily bloom. Pod and pollen fertile.
